
Clean Spot Dog Wash - Owasso, OK

123 S. Main Street, Owasso, OK  74055

Before October 2012, Owasso, Oklahoma residents had a few options when their dog got dirty: pay for a groomer, create a mess in the home bathroom by bathing them in the tub or drive 15 miles into Tulsa to find a self-wash option.

Bronce Stephenson had seen self-wash services when he was a student in California and was inspired. When the Tulsa native later settled in the area, he and his wife, Robby, saw the need in Owasso and opened this cost-effective dog wash. “You can pay $50 at the groomer and your dog will sit in a crate,” Stephenson said, “or for $5 to $10, you can use our dog wash and be with your pet.”

Five dollars buys eight minutes of shampoo, washing and drying. Customers have the option of adding more minutes to accommodate dogs that might be bigger, dirtier or have a thicker coat.

Because the business is completely self-service, there is little overhead and no employees to pay. Stephenson notes that is one of the factors to keeping the costs down.

Since 2012, business has been steady on this sleepy Main Street that is currently “going through a Renaissance,” as Stephenson notes. He should know. His day job is as the Director of Community Development, a local government office responsible for administering land use and zoning.

Main Street in Owasso is a bit of a “forgotten area,” he says. A lot of the community businesses have, instead, grown around Highway 169. However, Stephenson says the community is making an effort to get back to buying local. The monthly Gathering on Main event, which runs April through October, helps bring the community together and introduces them to area businesses while they are entertained with live music and a variety of food trucks.

“I’m a Main Street kind of guy,” says Stephenson, “I want Main Street to have that down home feel again.”

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